Grants for Growth
We have taken the GRUNT WORK out of GRANT WORK!
Diversion Strategies has partnered with Waste Alternatives to build a one-of-a-kind database of grants and other financial incentives customized for the waste and recycling industry!
The Grants for Growth Database is an easy to access and easy to use web-based tool that includes funding opportunities throughout the entire country. These opportunities are available to local governments, businesses, non-profits, and schools that are looking to expand recycling programs and facilities, invest in infrastructure, reduce food waste, and so much more.
Easy to Use Platform
Robust and easy to use database of grants and financial incentives in the waste industry.
Updated Monthly
Updated on a monthly basis to ensure your organization never misses an opportunity for funding!
Access to Grant Experts
Each annual subscription comes with a complimentary consultation.
Grants for Growth Demo
Watch the video below to see the Grants for Growth database and how it works.
Grants for Growth Membership
The Grants for Growth Database is an annual subscription service. When you subscribe you will receive an updated web-based database every month so you never miss an opportunity to apply for funds. We have two pricing plans to suit the needs of everyone.
Subscribe today to unlock your access to the most robust database of grants and financial incentives available to our industry!
Annual Membership
Pay for an annual membership and gain access to
over $1.35B in available funding today!
Got grants?
Does your company have funding opportunities it would like to share? If so click the button to contact the Grants for Growth team today to be included in our database!
Additional Services
As a full service consulting firm, Diversion Strategies can assist you in tracking, evaluating and applying for the right grants and incentives for your organization.
Services include:
Subscribe, Track & Analyze
In addition to the annual subscription, we will track grant and financial incentive opportunities for your organization, identify potential opportunities, and develop your project description.
Price by Quote
Grant Application
When you have identified which grant/financial incentive to apply to, the DS team will prepare your application package and provide support during the application process.
Options for grant management after award are also available.
A free annual subscription is included as part of this option.
Price by Quote
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By clicking the sign up button you submit your information to Grants for Growth, who will use it to communicate with you regarding their services and any educational events.